Thoracic pain can effect up to 40% of individuals aſter surgery such as cardiac by-pass, lung cancer surgery, fractured ribs, etc. It is very often poorly understood, not recognised and equally poorly managed. The primary care physician (GP) plays an important part of the long-term support required by these individuals.
The conference faculty seeks to provide a greater understanding in this area in order to improve the clinical insight and to help build coherence between all members of the team.
--- Schedule ---
08:45 - Registration & Coffee
09:15 - Welcome and Meeting overview by Dr. Dominic Hegarty (Chair)
09:30 -
Thoracic pain post surgery: understanding the challenge to restrict pain
Mr. John Hinchion, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon Cork University Hospital, Senior Clinical Lecturer UCC
10:15 -
When is Chest Pain “atypical”?
Prof. Tom Kiernan, Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital Limerick
11:00 -
Post-thoracotomy pain syndromes: what are the management options
Dr. Dominic Hegarty, Consultant in Pain Management & Neuromodulation. Clinical Lead Neuromodulation UCC.
11:45 - Questions & Answers session with the panel
12:30 - Closing Remarks & Summary
Light Lunch will be provided
Registration is complimentary and spaces are limited.
Please contact your local Grunenthal Representative for details:
Gretchen Kelleher - (085) 7410079
Richard Gardiner - (086) 3864043