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Prof. Kris Vissers & Prof. Dominic Hegarty

The 7th Interventional Pain Congress was held in Istanbul and Prof. Dominic Hegarty was invited as president of World Institute of Pain (WIP) to attend the 3 day conference in the beautiful city of Istanbul.

WIP provides pain medicine and educational resources specialising in hands-on training and procedures. The Fellowship of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP) is the only recognised fellowship available globally to accreditation standard of care and it was hosting the examinations at the Acibadem University, Istanbul.

“At WIP we are continually trying to improve the educational experience for our pain physicians...”

“At WIP we are continually trying to improve the educational experience for our pain physicians” says Prof. Hegarty. "This year is the 7th Interventional Pain Congress where we had 230 delegates from 27 countries, 100 individuals setting the FIPP and CIPP exams and 35 faculty onsite to provide the best educational experience for pain physicians".

The Istanbul Meeting provides a great opportunity for delegates to meet the experts locally. This makes the congress more affordable for more regions especially developing countries where the need for pain management skills is particularly necessary.

Prof. Hegarty invited to 7th Interventional Pain Congress in Istanbul

Prof. Dominic Hegarty opened the meeting and was honoured to preside over the 3 day event organised by the WIP Turkish Registered sections. He instructed on the workshop and was an examiner. He gave a key note lecture specifically on the new advance in Orofacial pain and updated the congress on the present best practice and what the future might be.

"We have almost 25 years of developing the examinations so that we have a very well established technique..."

“We have almost 25 years of developing the examinations so that we have a very well established technique that can provide good relief in many cases. By having the best evidence based programs we have standardised interventional skills. For example we have seen the importance of using technology to provide a better quality for life for the refractory cases. This can have a significant impact on day to day pain for many”.

Prof. Kris Vissers

Prof. Hegarty presented Prof. Kris Vissers (Professor in Pain and Pallative Medicine, Chair of the Radboud Expertise Centre of Pain and Palliative medicine at Radbound University Nijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands. Prof. Vissers is also the outgoing Chair of the Board of Examinations WIP, a past president of WIP).

“It was a great honour that we could recognise the outstanding contributions to pain education that Kris has made.

“It was a great honour that we could recognise the outstanding contributions to pain education that Kris has made. It was very appropriate that The Turkish Pain Section decided to make him an honorary member.”

At Pain Relief Ireland we can provide therapy options to deal with persistent neck, facial pain and chronic migraine-like headaches and we encourage individuals to make an appointment and to see how we can assist.