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Merry Christmas
on 19 Dec 2023 12:08 PM

Once again, this December arrives with the festive spirit, and we have the chance to look back on another amazing year in Pain Relief Ireland. The number of satisfied clients who have used our service in 2023 has once again grown. Thank you for trusting us to help you and it is our pleasure to do our best to help.

“...I look back and think of all the new individuals who we try to help...I am amazed at the way people with chronic pain always seem to manage to keep their confidence with us often in the most difficult times in their life and we always seem to find a way to pull through”

“Every year I look back and think of all the new individuals who we try to help to the best of our ability. I am amazed at the way people with chronic pain always seem to manage to keep their confidence with us often in the most difficult times in their life and we always seem to find a way to pull through”. Prof. Hegarty says “It is a pleasure to work with these people and I hope they can see we will do our best to help them. We know is often a struggle for the individual, but we want to be able to support them and try and find real solutions for them and their family”. We look forward to continuing to support these individuals and also new clients in 2024.

In Pain Relief Ireland we are very lucky to have truly dedicated clinical and administrative staff who continue to work alongside Prof. Hegarty to help keep everything on track so we would like to say thank you to them at this time.

Prof. Hegarty (Clinical Director Pain Relief Ireland) has had a busy last number of months. Not only was he providing expert clinical care in Cork he was also working on the international scene as well.

JCI approval
Prof. Hegarty is pictured with Sandra Daly (CEO Cork), Kieran McNamara (Quality & Risk Management Cork) and Sonia O’Driscoll (Director Of Nursing)

In September, as Clinical Director of the Mater Private Hospital Cork successfully secured JCI accreditation as part of the management team. This is globally accepted as the highest standard for private hospitals and sets the bar for quality at the Mater Private Network. Prof. Hegarty also oversaw the opening of the second Cardiac Interventional Lab and hosted the 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner with Minister Simon Coveney in attendance.

Mater Private Gala
Mater Private Network 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner, Maryborough Hotel, Cork

Also, in September Prof. Hegarty supervised the winning project in the Final Year Research awards at University College, Cork. Dr. Ann-Marie O’Brien won with the project entitled “Effect of a Hydrotherapy Program on the Functional, Biopsychological and Pain Parameters in Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Retrospective Study”. This was done in conjunction with the Physiotherapy centre at the Mardyke Arena who have worked with Pain Relief Ireland for many years in driving specific programs to assist in the rehabilitation stages of chronic pain management.

WIP Conference
World Institute of Pain (WIP) 12th World congress in Atalaya Turkey

In October as President of the World Institute of Pain (WIP), Prof Hegarty hosted the 12th World congress in Atalaya Turkey and celebrated the 30th anniversary of the WIP. He also presided over the largest group of trainee pain physicians to sit the Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practise in the history of the 30 years. This is the only globally recognised training fellowship and only 1,500 individuals have this distinction.

WIP Conference
World Institute of Pain (WIP) 12th World congress in Atalaya Turkey

In November he was the lead instructor on the RAZC Masterclass Workshop hosted at Leiden University, Netherlands.

This is a high performance workshop for those specifically training in the procedure.

Prof. Hegarty had the honour of being one of the first to be mentored by the Prof. Gabor Racz on his technique when he was in Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital London in 2010. Prof. Hegarty integrates this into his routine practise and now performs it on a regular basis and assists in training others the skills.

Helena Hanbidge (CNS Neuromodulation), Ms. Sandra Daly (CEO Mater Private Cork, Prof Dominic Hegarty, Justin, Global Lead Medtonic Inceptiv Project, Niamh McLoughlin Neuromodulation Manager Medtronic Ireland

Also, in November Prof. Hegarty implanted the newest Medtronic Spinal cord stimulator “Inceptiv”. This offers closed-loop technology to optimise programming and we were proud to be one of the first centres in Europe to be offered this opportunity.

In December Prof. Hegarty was a keynote speaker at the Swiss Intervention Pain AGM in Lausanne, Switzerland. This was another fabulous meeting and he spoke about the role of digital technology in assisting pain pathway management in the present and future. He spoke about our experience in Pain Relief Ireland with the Get Ready platform and how innovation with industry can open many new opportunities.

Finally With the Christmas season we want to wish you and your families a very happy and peaceful new year. We hope you can find joy with those close to you and that 2024 will bring with it good fortune.

Office Christmas Opening Hours

Clinics Closed 22nd December until Monday 8th January 2024
Office open for inquiries on 9am Wed 3rd January 2024

Any urgent issues during this time should be directed to your GP or attend an Emergency Department nearest to you.